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Greenmount -

a Pathway to Success

2021 and 2022

We recognise that impact that the Covid-19 lockdown has had on children's emotional wellbeing and on their learning. 


In terms of learning, we have been allocated £19,920 for the years 2021-2022


Staff have assessed and highlighted the learning needs of children within their classes and we have planned provision accordingly to meet those needs:


The provision planned so far will take place between November and March.  It has been designed to meet pupil needs and will evolve as the months progress.  Time-limited interventions will be used to support individual children and groups with securing gaps in their learning. 


Between November and March we have committed:

* £6,500 to additional teacher time to support Reading (1:1) and Writing (small groups)

* £8,200 to additional teaching assistant time to support

- 1:1 reading (in person and online)

- 1:1 and small group phonics (in person and online)

- small group maths interventions 

- 1:1 and small group support in English lessons 

* £500 to procure additional online resources to support reading

* £2,000 to support our disadvantaged pupils, through the National Tutoring Programme 


Towards the end of the Spring term we will make decisions on how the remaining £2,720 will be spent during the Summer term. 


All intervention is based on pre-assessment.  Individual children's targets have been produced from that assessment.  Progress towards those targets is assessed at the end of each intervention session and at the end of each half term.  

The impact of our spending will be monitored termly by the Pupils and Curriculum Committee of our Governing Body. 
